Royal-Exclusiv Alpha 250 Cone Gets A Nice Surprise!

While all of us have been bouncing off the walls in excitement of receiving the Vertex / Royal-Exlucisv partnership product Alpha 250 cone skimmer, the mad scientist himself, Klaus Jansen, was secretly working on a nice little surprise for this skimmer. What could be better than the Red Dragon powered cone that pulls 38w of power and an air intake of 1500LPH? Well, how about an upgrade on that air intake to 1800LPH! Klaus Jansen, founder and owner of Royal-Exclusiv, most noted for his Bubble King line of protein skimmers, thought it would be a nice touch to throw in an extra venturi with these skimmers that is capable of pulling 300LPH more of air draw for those who are running the skimmer in heavier bioload conditions. As 1500LPH wasn't enough for this beast!
The skimmers are expected in by the end of this week. You still have time to get your pre-order in for this
any chance of getting 220/240v red dragon versions?
This is quite interesting ! code
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