Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
ZooMed Mopani Wood - for freshwater tanks

A beautiful two color African hardwood for aquariums or terrariums. Smooth surface, textured detail, and unique mottled color adds interest and enrichment to habitats. Use with plants to create the "naturalistic" look. One of the hardest and densest woods available; sinks immediately in aquariums and unlike driftwood, will not rot!
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log - for freshwater aquariums

Naturalistic floating log for all types of aquarium fish, newts, frogs, or mudskippers. Provides security, comfort and stress reduction for your aquarium animals. "Bottom weighted" allowing newts, frogs, or mudskippers to climb on top without the log rolling over. Watch your aquarium animals sleep, play, feed, and spawn inside of log.
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log, Small Size
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log, Medium Size
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log, Large Size
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log, Small Size
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log, Medium Size
ZooMed Floating Aquarium Log, Large Size
ZooMed T8 Fluorescent Lamps

ZooMed T8 Fluorescent Lamps - wide selection for fresh and saltwater. Use to replace existing T8 fixtures, or use your T12 to T8 converter for your T12 fixture. Zoo Med's line of fluorescent aquarium lamps are made in Europe for ultra high quality, color, and longer burn life. Their energy saving T-8 sizes can save you up to $30.00 per year in electricity over the thicker T-12 size lamps! Effective up to 10,000 hours.
ZooMed PowerSweep Powerheads

Zoo Med's Power Sweep powerheads are the first and only rotating powerheads on the market. With a full 60 degree of rotation the Power Sweep replicates natural water currents without the expense of a wave maker. The Power Sweep is fully submersible and can be used alone or in conjunction with an under gravel filter system. They are also cUL listed. Additional Information:
ZM-PS-10 ZooMed PowerSweep 212 (125 GPH) UL Listed
ZM-PS-20 ZooMed PowerSweep 214 (160 GPH) UL Listed
ZM-PS-20 ZooMed PowerSweep 214 (160 GPH) UL Listed
ZM-PS-40 ZooMed PowerSweep 228 (270 GPH) UL Listed
ZM-PS-30 ZooMed PowerSweep 226 (190 GPH) UL Listed
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Kill A Watt Detector

Electricity bill are rising. Now you can cut down on costs andfind out what appliances are actually worth keeping plugged in.Simply connect these appliances to the Kill A Watt
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
DT’s Pure Reef Elements
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ocean Nutrition Nano Reef Coral FOOD 10g

Ocean Nutrition Nano Reef Coral FOOD 10g
Microencapsulated formulated food with probiotic bacteria: • Very high HUFA content and DHA/EPA ratio.• With probiotic bacteria as a safeguard in case of overfeeding.• Microcapsules manufactured using the most advanced food process technologies.• Excellent free flowing characteristics. Does not cloud the water.• Contains a wide range of particle sizes from 30µm to 150µm.• Ideal food for corals with small polyps and soft corals.• Easy to use by dispersing the product in the water, or for target feeding.
Microencapsulated formulated food with probiotic bacteria: • Very high HUFA content and DHA/EPA ratio.• With probiotic bacteria as a safeguard in case of overfeeding.• Microcapsules manufactured using the most advanced food process technologies.• Excellent free flowing characteristics. Does not cloud the water.• Contains a wide range of particle sizes from 30µm to 150µm.• Ideal food for corals with small polyps and soft corals.• Easy to use by dispersing the product in the water, or for target feeding.
Microbe-Lift Herbtana - Reef Safe Medicine

MICROBE-LIFT/Herbtana is a unique, herbal,immune-enhancing stimulant, which reduces: skin flukes(gyrodactylus), gill flukes (Dactylogyrus), Ich(ichthyophthirius multifillis), oodinum, costia (ichthyobodonecater), chilonella and trichodina. Parasite infections are characterized by symptoms, such as: milky skin, flashing and heavy breathing. However, they can only be diagnosed with certainty through microscopic examination. aturaly controlled by the fish’s immune system, parasites are present on most fish in very low levels at all times. When stress levels increase, the ability of the immune system to respond to its requirement to control the natural level ofparasites is directly affected. This poor response allows parasites to increase in number, thus causing any of the serious, above mentioned health issues in the host fish. MICROBE-LIFT/Herbtana supports the fish’s immunesystem, driving off the excess parasites. Since they cannot return to the fish during that treatment, the majority of the parasites will starve without a host. So, although MICROBELIFT/Herbtana does not directly kill parasites, it is ultimately responsible for their death
EL-HERBSW04 Microbe-Lift Herbtana- 4oz
EL-HERBSW16 Microbe-Lift Herbtana- 16oz
Microbe-Lift Artimiss - Reef Safe Medicine

MICROBE-LIFT/Artemisa is a unique, herbal, immune-enhancingstimulant, which reduces bacterial and fungal infections in fish showingsymptoms, such as: fin and tail rot, ulcers, bulging eyes (Exophthalmia),milky skin, raised scales, mouth rot/fungas and dopsy (ascites).MICROBE-LIFT/Artemiss will help boost the natural immune system ofthe fish with no risk of building up future resistance, as can occur whenantibiotics are used.
EL-ARTSW04 Microbe-Lift Artimiss- 4oz.
EL-ARTSW16 Microbe-Lift Artimiss- 16 oz
EL-ARTSW04 Microbe-Lift Artimiss- 4oz.
EL-ARTSW16 Microbe-Lift Artimiss- 16 oz
Monday, June 8, 2009
Reef Keeper Lite - Level 1 Controller Sale - $99.99

You read it right, 99 bucks for an aquarium controller. It's a summer special from Digital Aquatics. Reef Keeper Lite - Level 1 Controller Sale - $99.99
The new ReefKeeper Lite is a big change to business as usual! It's small, expandable and perfect for nano tanks, beginners, and people looking for a mid level controller!
The ReefKeeper Lite or RKL as it's known here, has a 5 (mechanical) button interface and a larger 16 x 2 LCD display for easy readability. While some of the advanced modules and features of the RKE are not available for the RKL, it will have more than enough power to monitor and control single tank systems, as well as small to mid sized tanks alike!
The RKL is the only controller under $150 that offers four outlets and temperature control while still providing the customer an upgrade path as their system or needs grow!
With up to four modules, this new controller is perfect for streamlining your tank without breaking the bank!
Three levels to pick from:
Level 1:
1 x Head unit
1 x PC4 (4 outlets)
1 x temperature probe
The new ReefKeeper Lite is a big change to business as usual! It's small, expandable and perfect for nano tanks, beginners, and people looking for a mid level controller!
The ReefKeeper Lite or RKL as it's known here, has a 5 (mechanical) button interface and a larger 16 x 2 LCD display for easy readability. While some of the advanced modules and features of the RKE are not available for the RKL, it will have more than enough power to monitor and control single tank systems, as well as small to mid sized tanks alike!
The RKL is the only controller under $150 that offers four outlets and temperature control while still providing the customer an upgrade path as their system or needs grow!
With up to four modules, this new controller is perfect for streamlining your tank without breaking the bank!
Three levels to pick from:
Level 1:
1 x Head unit
1 x PC4 (4 outlets)
1 x temperature probe
Friday, June 5, 2009
ATI Powermodule & Sunpower In Stock Now!

We have just received a large shipment of ATI Powermodule & Sunpower T5 fixtures! If you're in the market for a T5 fixture, these are the holy grail in the T5 category. Active cooling, well designed individual reflectors, and a sleek European design, what more could you want? Act fast, as these are sure to fly off the shelf!
Order Now!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
$50.00 off all Red Dragon Pumps at

For a limited time, we are offering $50.00 off the famous Red Dragon pumps. Just enter coupon code DRAGON50 at checkout to receive the discount.
The Red Dragon has been developed specially for transportation of large amounts of water at low pressure. Thanks to the magnetic motor and the bearings made of silicium carbide, the energy transfer rates are extremely low. The high capacity makes the Red Dragon Ideal for both salt and freshwater (filter) systems. The pump can be submersed as well as mounted outside of the water. Furthermore, the Red Dragon is extremely durable, consumes very little power and runs very quite