Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NpX-Bio Beads - Denitrification Pellets

Denitrification Pellets are produced naturally and are made up of biologically degradable polymers . The Beads provide a perfect surface area as well as a constant carbon source, as the bacteria consume the solid carbon source they help deplete the system of Nitrate and Phosphate. Over time the bacteria will consume the Bio Beads and more will need to be added. NpX-Bio Beads are best run in a fluidized Reactor and tumbled aggressively.

Bonus Planctonic food source!

The high population of bacteria within the reactor make their way out into the water column in the form of "mulm" this mulm is consumed by various filter and suspension feeding organisms such as sponges, corals, and filter feeders, or skimmed off by the protein skimmer helping with nutrient export. Denitrification usually gets up to full speed within 1-2 weeks of starting the NpX-Bio Beads. Using denitrification beads such as NpX-Bio Beads will have the added benefit of not clogging up important components and other surfaces due to the concentrated colonization of bacteria within the reactor compartment only.

Product Guidelines:

NpX-Bio Beads are a simple highly effective filter media that is used for the control of Nitrates and Phosphate in within the aquarium, in turn providing a constant food source for filter feeders and micro fauna within the environment.

NpX-Bio Beads are best used within a fluidized reactor with enough flow to keep the top layer of Beads tumbling aggressively. Start with about ½ the total volume of Beads you want to run and work your way up to the full volume over a week or so. The average amount of Beads to aim at is about 550ml per 75 Gallons of water volume, more or less can be used depending on your unique bio load and inhabitants.

The Bio Beads generally cannot be overdosed; however, if your system is very high in nutrients you may experience a bacterial bloom once the Beads have been added. The bloom should clear within a few days but it is essential to make sure your skimmer is functioning properly and that the discharge of the reactor is directed into the skimmer. If the aquarium is not sufficiently oxygenated during a clouding event the oxygen can drop to dangerous levels.

NpX-Bio Beads should be topped up as the Beads dissolve, this usually takes anywhere from 7-12 months depending on your bio load.

- Maintain high water flow through the NpX-Bio Beads in order to prevent anoxic zones and or the production of hydrogen sulphide gas which is toxic.
- The use of ozone and UV will negatively affect the bacterial colonization of the NpX-Bio Beads and increase the "break-in" time. Adding commercially available bacterial cultures may speed up the process of maturing and also help prevent monocultures.
- Regular home use Test kits likely will not work due to the exceptionally low Nitrate and Phosphate levels within the aquarium after running the NpX-Bio Beads.

NpX-Bio Beads 550ml - Denitrification Pellets Starting at $44.99 (2 plus 39.99)
Biopellet Reactor MOD Screen Set $3.99
Vertex UF15 & NPX Pellet Reactor Combo Package $174.56
Vertex UF20 & NPX Pellet Reactor Combo Package $224.05
GEO UMC410 & NPX Pellet Reactor Combo Package $164.66
GEO UMC420 & NPX Pellet Reactor Combo Package $216.85

Thursday, May 20, 2010

GEN 3 Vertex IN Skimmers

Vertex has redesigned the bubble plate and venturi intake on there Vertex IN 100, 180 and 250 model. This new design gives you more performance and greater control over the air intake. Models 100 and 180 are now in stock. 250 model is on the way.

GENERATION III Vertex Skimmers

Among the many progresses in Marine Aquaria hobby in the recent years, the use of protein skimmers was, by far, one of the greatest milestones in maintaining salt water aquarium animals. Organic compounds, being bipolar in nature, provide an opportunity for waste extraction via injection of air into the skimmer body which served the dual function of extraction of these compounds while aerating the water. Since their inception, there has been much advancement in the design and functionality of Protein Skimming. Vertex" IN-Series Skimmers utilize those technologies in the most effective way, while offering you the best value for your investment.
Superior Performance
Powerful motor pumps drive precision Needle Wheel Rotors to introduce large amounts of air and water into the skimmer body. This is done without compromising continuous delivery and velocity due to the turbulence reducing bubble plate chamber. The result is a consistent foam head and nutrient extraction.
Featuring the all inclusive Silent Air Orbi t (SAO) technology, Vertex" IN-Series Skimmers represent the Ultimate solution to noise reduction. Rotors engineered with the incredible strength of Rare Earth Phosphor Magnets and the frictionless ride of Zirconium shafts, polished to an exceptionally high gloss, ensure that the entire impeller assembly spins with amazingly nominal resistance and vibration.
Removal of the collection cup has never been as easy and effortless. The messy union locks and twist caps used by other competing products have been replaced by an insert cup seated atop a gasket seal; minimalism simplifying your routine.
Plug and Play
Every Vertex" IN-Series Skimmers is packaged ready-in-box for immediate use in your system.


Base dimensions:

Height: Diameter: Air Draw Aquarium Size:
IN-80 8" x 10" 21.5" 5" 420lph @ 20w 40-80 Gallons
IN-100 11x13" 20" 6" 420lph @ 20w 60-100 Gallons
IN-180 13.5" x 11" 24" 8" 720lph @ 32w 100-180 Gallons
IN-250 13.5" x 11" 30" 8" 1020lph @ 55w 150-250 Gallons
IN-280 16.5" x 11.5" 24.5" 10" 1140lph @ 56w Up to 280 Gallons

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Bubble Magus Protein Skimmers

Bubble Magus offers some nicely built skimmers at a real competitive price.

Bubble Magus NAC3plus Protein Skimmer ...more info.
Price: $149.99

Bubble Magus NAC6A Protein Skimmer ...more info.
Price: $199.99

Bubble Magus NAC7 Protein Skimmer ...more info.
Price: $249.99

Bubble Magus 180CS Protein Skimmer ...more info.
Price: $499.99

Brightwell Aquatics SpongExcel

Brightwell Aquatics SpongExcel
• Ionic silica solution for enhancing growth rates of sponges and gastropods.
• 1 drop per gallon of water increases ionic silica concentration by ~0.20 ppm.
• May be employed in silica-limited systems stocked with sponges to improve water quality by increasing the rate of natural latent organic material uptake by these organisms.
• May be used to increase the rate of sponge growth in marine systems housing spongivorous fishes such as marine angelfishes, butterflyfishes, and their allies, providing them with greater access to their natural foods.
• Formulated by a marine scientist.

Technical Background:
Silica is an important nutrient in seawater; it is required by many organisms (primarily diatoms and sponges in terms of total silica uptake) for the production of biomass, and is linked with the uptake of other nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, by these organisms. Sponges and diatoms can be significant nutrient sinks, and marine aquaria stocked with sponges, in particular, can benefit with the controlled addition of a silica solution. The natural seawater concentration of total silica is ~2.8 ppm, however this concentration varies by depth and region and is likely to be excessive in most marine aquaria. Rather than attempt to maintain this concentration in an aquarium, it is advisable to begin at a very low concentration (e.g. 0.05 ppm) and gradually increase this with time as the rate of silica uptake in the system dictates. Systems with considerable sponge growth tend to be silica-limited, therefore maintaining a silica concentration of ~1 - 2 ppm is likely to be of benefit. Additionally, diatom growth may have a significant impact on the rate of natural latent organic material uptake and recycling in marine aquaria, leading to improved water quality; diatoms are also a valuable food source for various grazing fishes and motile invertebrates. We are certainly not advocating that diatoms should be encouraged to grow unchecked in order to help improve water quality, however these organisms, in addition to sponges, can be a valuable part of a natural ecosystem that converts latent organic material into desirable biomass and supports greater biodiversity in closed marine aquaria through the maintenance of diatom- and sponge-grazing organisms.

Instructions and Guidelines:
Determine the silica concentration in the aquarium using an accurate test kit before supplementing. Identify all sources of silica in the aquarium (e.g. fresh water, salt mix, etc.) before determining a rate of dosing for this supplement. Begin with a dosage of 1 drop per 20 US-gallons per day, which will increase the silica concentration in this volume by ~0.01 ppm. Observe sponges for signs of growth improvement for at least two weeks, which may be significant enough to notice within the first week of dosing. Allow two weeks at this dosage before increasing the dosing volume; increase dosage by up to 10% per week as the perceived silica requirements of the organisms dictate. Maintaining the silica concentration in a range of 0.5 - 2.0 ppm will generally suffice for most systems; in general, the greater the biomass of silica-dependant organisms and the more available other necessary nutrients are, the greater the demand for soluble silica becomes. If diatom growth becomes abundant, discontinue dosing for 3 - 4 days and then resume dosing at a lower dosage. Note that daily, rather than less frequent, dosing is strongly recommended, as adding a large amount of soluble silica to any marine aquarium all at once is highly likely to result in a diatom bloom. Each ml of Brightwell Aquatics SPONGEXCEL will increase the concentration of soluble silica [SiO] in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by ~4 ppm, or ~0.20 ppm per drop. Determine the required daily dosing rate (recommended to weekly dosing) by measuring the aquarium's [SiO Silica Solution for Sponges] at the same time each day over a one- to two-week period. Estimate the volume of water in the entire aquarium system; divide the daily decrease in [SiO] by 0.20; multiply this number by the volume of water in the system to get the daily dosage required (drops) to maintain a stable [SiO]. Caution: Silica solutions are caustic; in case of contact flush skin and/or eyes with fresh water for 15 minutes. Drink 16-oz. fruit juice if swallowed and seek immediate medical attention. Wear protective eyewear and gloves when handling. Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption. Guaranteed Analysis: Silica (min) 15,140 ppm. Ingredients: Purified water, Sodium metasilicate.

Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A-P - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System Powder

Part A
• The calcium-bearing component of a two-part method for dosing calcium and carbonates (the substances largely responsible for increasing alkalinity (”buffering capacity”)) in the same ratio as that found in natural seawater.
• Benefits reef-building organisms such as corals, clams, calcareous algae, etc.
• Simplifies calcium and alkalinity maintenance; economical for particularly large systems.
• Contains no phosphate, silicate, or organic material.
• Formulated by a marine scientist. It is recommended that calcium and magnesium concentrations in the aquarium system be determined by using accurate test kits prior to supplementing. Do not add this product directly to an aquarium containing live animals without first diluting in water as directed.

Part B
• The alkalinity-bearing component of a two-part method for dosing calcium and carbonates (the substances largely responsible for increasing alkalinity (”buffering capacity”)) in the same ratio as that found in natural seawater.
• Benefits reef-building organisms such as corals, clams, calcareous algae, etc.
• Simplifies calcium and alkalinity maintenance; economical for particularly large systems.
• Contains no phosphate, silicate, or organic material.
• Formulated by a marine scientist.

Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A-P - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System Powder - Part A (Calc.) ...more info.Price: $6.49

Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A-P - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System Powder - Part A (Calc.) ...more info.Price: $9.49

Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B-P - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System Powder - Part B (Alk.) ...more info.Price: $6.49

Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B-P - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System Powder - Part B (Alk.) ...more info.Price: $9.49

Brightwell Aquatics OrganitR - Regenerable Organic (Dissolved) Material-adsorption Resin

• Regenerable dissolved organic material (DOM) adsorption resin effective in all marine and freshwater aquaria.
• Improves water quality by removing latent dissolved organic material and encouraging higher oxidation-reduction potential (ORP, also known as “redox”).
• Removes dyes and discoloration from water.
• Will not release adsorbed organic material once exhausted.
• Ideal for use in small (e.g. “nano”) aquaria where a protein skimmer is not feasible.
• Does not actively remove trace, minor, or major elements from aquarium.
• May be used in conjunction with, or as a replacement for, activated carbon.
• Synthetic polymer resin beads provide for durability and excellent flow characteristics; may be employed in fluidized-bed, canister, or passive filtration.
• Regenerable over 250 times, dramatically increasing cost effectiveness.

Organic Adsorption Resin
Instructions and Guidelines: Prior to first use, rinse resin under a stream of fresh water, then discard water. Used as directed, each 500ml of resin will help maintain water quality in 300 US-gallons. Resin will discolor with continued use, indicating exhaustion; regenerate once the resin becomes medium-brown in appearance. The original brightness of the resin may not be re-attained, however the resin will perform as well as before. Continued use and regeneration on a weekly basis will
help reduce the prevalence of dissolved organic material and promotes good water quality; used in this fashion, the resin is effective for up to five years. To a point, effectiveness of resin is directly related to the reaction time it has with aquarium water: the longer the reaction time, the more effectively it will remove organic material. In all cases, the use of a mechanical pre-filter to remove particulate organic material from water prior to its interaction with this media will prolong effectiveness. Fluidized-bed filtration: follow instructions of filter manufacturer for optimal volume of media to use in reaction chamber; start at a low flow rate and adjust to keep media in a steady “churn” within lower 2/3 of chamber. Canister filtration: Load resin into filter as directed by manufacturer; regenerate as directed.
Passive filtration: Place resin loosely in a 300µm mesh filter bag and locate in an area of low- to medium-flow. Turning bag over once during usage will serve to shift the resin beads and increases effectiveness of this method. To regenerate: Dissolve 4 cups table salt in 1 US-gallon of room-temperature water per 250-ml of resin to be regenerated in a clean pail; place resin into pail and stir; allow beads to soak overnight; strain and rinse beads thoroughly in fresh water before re-using. Do not regenerate with bleach, which will damage resin and could kill aquarium inhabitants. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption
Note: Resin sold moist. Keep closed to prevent drying. Weight varies due to moisture content, therefore product is sold by volume rather than weight.
Brightwell Aquatics OrganitR - Regenerable Organic (Dissolved) Material-adsorption Resin ...more info.Price: $17.79

Brightwell Aquatics OrganitR - Regenerable Organic (Dissolved) Material-adsorption Resin ...more info.Price: $56.39

Brightwell Aquatics NitratR - Regenerable Nitrate-adsorption Resin

• Next-generation regenerable nitrate adsorption resin effective in marine and freshwater aquaria; does not require soaking in buffered water prior to initial use.
• Highly-selective for nitrate.
• Will not negatively impact water quality, nor release nitrate once exhausted.
• Synthetic polymer resin beads provide for durability and excellent flow characteristics; may be employed in fluidized-bed, canister, or passive filtration.
• Regenerable over 250 times, dramatically increasing cost effectiveness.
• Will not impact alkalinity in aquaria as some competing products may. Prior to first use, rinse each 500ml of resin by passing 4 quarts of fresh water through it in a steady stream; discard water once completed.

Nitrate Adsorption ResinBasic Instructions and Guidelines:
To initially lower excessive nitrate, each 500ml of NI T R A T will remove 20ppm nitrate in 100 US-gallons of water (or 10ppm per 200 US-gallons). When nitrate concentration remains unchanged or begins to increase, regenerate as described below.

Advanced Instructions and Guidelines:
To a point, effectiveness of resin is directly related to the reaction time it has with aquarium water; the longer the reaction time, the more effectively it will remove nitrate. Once the nitrate concentration reaches a nearly-immeasurable level, NITRAT will continue to remove nitrate as it is produced in natural biological reactions. Remove and regenerate resin when NO3 begins to increase, then reapply to facilitate continued nitrate removal. In all cases, the use of a mechanical pre-filter to remove particulate organic material from water prior to its interaction with this media will prolong effectiveness. Fluidized-bed filtration: follow instructions of filter manufacturer for optimal volume of media to use in reaction chamber; start at a low flow rate and adjust to keep media in a steady “churn” within lower 2/3 of chamber; flow rate should not be such that resin is ejected into aquarium. Canister filtration: Load resin into filter cartridge as directed by filter manufacturer; leave resin in place until NO3 reaches desired level or remains unchanged, as directed above. Slowing the flow of water through the filter may be required to obtain maximum effectiveness of resin. Passive filtration: Place resin loosely in a 300µm mesh filter bag and locate in an area of low to medium-flow. Turning bag over periodically during usage will serve to shift the resin beads and increases effectiveness of this method. To regenerate: Dissolve 4 cups table salt in 1 US-gallon of room-temperature water per 250-ml NITRAT to be regenerated in a clean pail; place resin into pail and stir; allow beads to soak overnight; strain and rinse beads thoroughly in fresh water before re-using. Do not regenerate with bleach, which will damage resin and could kill aquarium inhabitants. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption Note: Resin sold moist. Keep closed to prevent drying. Weight varies due to moisture content, therefore product is sold by volume rather than weight.
Brightwell Aquatics NitratR - Regenerable Nitrate-adsorption Resin - 250 ml / 8.5 fl ...more info.Price: $17.79
Brightwell Aquatics NitratR - Regenerable Nitrate-adsorption Resin - 500 ml / 17 fl. ...more info.Price: $30.39
Brightwell Aquatics NitratR - Regenerable Nitrate-adsorption Resin - 1000 ml / 34 fl ...more info.Price: $56.39

Brightwell Aquatics Cuprion - Stabilized Ionic Copper Solution

• For use by experienced, qualified professional aquarists only.
• Ionic, non-chelated copper solution.
• 1 drop per gallon of water increases free copper concentration by ~0.20 ppm.
• For use in fish-only aquaria.
• Not for use with scaleless fish.
• Not for use in aquaria housing live plants or invertebrates.
• Consult an appropriate reference source for the use of ionic copper solutions in aquaria before use.

Instructions and Guidelines: CUPRION has been formulated to increase the concentration of ionic copper by 0.20 ppm for each drop administered to 1 US-gallon of water. It is expressly meant for use by qualified professional aquarists with a firm understanding of the manner in which ionic copper solutions are employed in aquatic systems, and who have considerable actual experience in doing so; CUPRION is not meant for use by recreational aquarists. Caution: For use by professional quarists only. Keep out of reach of children. Not for fish meant for human consumption. Guaranteed Analysis: Copper (min) 15,140 ppm. Ingredients: Purified water, copper sulfate, stabilizing agents

Brightwell Aquatics CoraLazarus - High-purity Calcium Media for placement in Reactors

Brightwell Aquatics CoraLazarus - High-purity Calcium Media for placement in Reactors

• High-purity natural mineral that may be employed in traditional calcium reactors, or even blended in to preexisting aquarium substratum, to gradually increase and maintain the calcium concentration and alkalinity in marine aquaria.
• Strong source of calcium, the most abundant cation by percent mass in aragonite, the mineral secreted by reefbuilding organisms to form skeletal material.
• Through dissolution, provides calcium, magnesium, strontium, potassium, and carbonates. • Aids in increasing alkalinity to stabilize pH and encourage
rapid biogenic aragonite formation. • Optimal average particle size for use in media reactors and calcium reactors.
• Free of chloride and sulfate.

Technical Background
Controlled dissolution of aragonite within a reaction vessel has become one of the most effective and preferred methods of increasing and maintaining the calcium concentration, as well as the alkalinity, in reef aquaria with high-rates of calcification. In particular, high-energy reef systems dominated by small-polyp stony corals, as well as those with heavy coralline algae growth, can benefit from this method, the results being increased growth rates (relative to many other approaches) when all other physical and chemical requirements are met. Additionally, this method of calcium/alkalinity supplementation is free of chloride, which can become elevated in aquaria utilizing chloride-based calcium supplements if regular partial water chang es are not performed. By weight, CoraLazarus is comprised of ~61 - 62% carbonates, ~37 - 38% calcium, ~0.75 - 0.85% strontium, ~0.1% magnesium, and <0.01% potassium; these percentages may vary between samples. It is collected in a clean environment and does not originate in bivalve-dominated reefs, the aragonite from which tends to be high in phosphate relative to aragonite formed by non-bivalves, in general. There is little magnesium in natural aragonite, and as such it is imperative that magnesium supplementation be employed in reef aquaria utilizing a calcium reactor. Failure to maintain magnesium at a minimal concentration of 1,290 ppm may result in difficulty maintaining the desired calcium concentration in the aquarium. One solution is to employ Brightwell Aquatics NeoMag (~13% magnesium by weight) in conjunction with CoraLazarus. NeoMag may also be used in secondary chambers of calcium reactors to help eliminate free CO2 that has not reacted with CoraLazarus, thereby simultaneously reducing the propensity for pH to exist at a depressed level in the aquarium and increasing the rate of media dissolution, and hence magnesium supplementation.

Instructions and Guidelines
Rinse material in freshwater or saltwater prior to initial placement in aquarium system. Employ in a calcium reactor per the manufacturer’s instructions. If employing NeoMag, refer to the instructions on the label. The rate of water flow through the reactor in conjunction with the pH of the water inside the chamber(s) will have the greatest impact on the rate of media dissolution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions furnished with the calcium reactor to adjust the rates of water flow and CO2-injection and attain the desired concentrations of calcium and alkalinity in the effluent. Measure alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium concentrations in the aquarium two- to four-times each month to ensure that parameters are within the desired ranges, and make adjustments to reactor system as required. As the
biomass of corals and other reef-building organisms residing within an aquarium increase with time, so the biodemand of calcium, magnesium, and carbonates increases, as well; this being the case, the frequency at which CoraLazarus must be replaced will increase. Note that each reef aquarium has unique calcium requirements, and that it is possible for the calcium demand in the aquarium to exceed the rate at which this element is liberated from the CoraLazarus material. In such cases, additional calcium supplementation (such as with Brightwell Aquatics Calcion or Kalk+2) may be required to (reestablish a natural seawater calcium concentration. Another option is to employ a larger (or additional) calcium reactor to house a greater amount of CoraLazarus.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.

Brightwell Aquatics CoraLazarus - High-purity Calcium Media for placement in Reactors - 5 kg / 11 lb ...more info.

Brightwell Aquatics CoraLazarus - High-purity Calcium Media for placement in Reactors - 20 kg / 44 l ...more info.

Brightwell Aquatics AngeLixir - Food Soak for Spongivorous Marine Fishes

Brightwell Aquatics AngeLixir - Food Soak for Spongivorous Marine Fishes

• Complex of free-form amino acids in the same ratios found within tissues of sponges.
• Utilizes natural attractants and marine-derived proteins to improve feeding response and increase protein percentage of fish foods, respectively.
• Beneficial to all fishes whose diets are in large part composed of sponges, including angelfishes, butterflyfishes, Moorish Idols, and their respective allies.
• Free-form amino acids:
1. Encourage vibrant coloration.
2. Provide the building blocks of protein in ideal ratios to encourage the formation of new tissue, speeding up growth rates.
3. Encourage new tissue growth to aid in recovery from wounds incurred during aggressive encounters with tankmates or during spawning periods.
• Formulated based upon sponge tissue analysis and marine finfish culture.
• Does not require refrigeration.
• Formulated by a marine scientist.

Technical Background
When placing a fish into an unfamiliar aquarium environment, the first 7 - 10 days can be a critical period: depending on the method of capture and time in transit, and perhaps most importantly the feeding requirements of the species in question, some fish may refuse to eat for several days, during which time their energy reserves are depleted and chances of contracting illness are increased. It is therefore of vital importance to get the fish eating an appropriate food as soon as possible. Some species are more problematic in this regard than others; within the former group, various species of angelfishes, butterflyfishes, and the Moorish Idol are of particular note. AngeLixir improves feeding response and provides important amino
acids in sponge tissue ratios, as well as providing marine proteins to increase the protein concentration in foods (particularly beneficial to fish that have lost body mass). AngeLixir is not meant to be a substitute for proper husbandry, or for making ethical decisions regarding the feasibility of maintaining spongivorous species in captivity; it is, however, an effective means of improving food palatability and nutrition, and increasing the chances of all fish species’ acceptance of unfamiliar foods.

Instructions and Guidelines
AngeLixir is readily absorbed by natural and prepared foods. Shake inner bottle well before each use. To fortify natural frozen foods: Rinse food in a fine-mesh net under running cold tap water until the food has thawed and the solution in which the food was frozen has been discarded. Then, squeeze as much of the excess liquid from the food as possible. Place food in a clean container, such as a small bowl or cup, and add only enough AngeLixir to saturate. Feed after 5 minutes have elapsed. Repeat three - five times daily to ensure that fish are receiving adequate food. To fortify freeze-dried and prepared foods (e.g. pellets): Place food in a clean container such as a small bowl or cup and add only enough AngeLixir to saturate. Feed after 5 minutes have elapsed. Repeat three - five times daily to ensure that fish are receiving adequate food.
It has been our experience that natural foods, such as krill, mysis, and brine shrimp (thoroughly rinsed if frozen) are generally more readily accepted by newly introduced fishes than are most prepared foods, presumably due to familiar chemical and visual cues associated with natural prey items (as opposed to the relative unfamiliarity of prepared foods). If a fish has spent sufficient time in a retailer’s system to become acclimated to feeding on specific types of foods, it is wise to purchase and feed the same foods to increase the chances that the fish will begin eating shortly after introduction to its’ new surroundings. AngeLixir may be used to enhance the nutritional value of, and feeding response to, these foods. Observe water quality at all times, compensating for the increase in dissolved organic material entering the system with each feeding as necessary.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.

Guaranteed Analysis
Moisture (max) 99.00%, crude protein (min) 1.00%, crude fat (min) 0%, crude fiber (min) 0%.

Purified water, proprietary complex of amino acids.

Instant Reef Artificial Coral Inserts

CLICK HERE for list of all available products.

Instant Reef offers a wide range of inserts. You can usually find a single insert that will landscape your entire tank. It offers a nice alternative to anyone wanting a reef tank, but doesn't either have the budget or time it takes to keep live coral. Your fish will love all the hiding places.

Realistic Looking Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Inserts for both Saltwater Fish / Marine Fish Only with Live Rock Setup and Freshwater Fish Tank, Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Inserts have Many Caves and Hideouts for Fish to swim through. Not Limited to Reef Safe Fish anymore.

- Artificial coral reef aquarium inserts packed with GORGEOUS life-like corals. Realistic Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Inserts.

- All Saltwater Fish / Marine Fish are “Reef Safe” to Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Inserts. Enjoy All the Saltwater Fish you want! Angelfish, Butterflyfish, Lionfish,Tang / Surgeon Fish, Trigger Fish, Wrasses, Foxface / Rabbitfish, Even Shark! FOWLR (Fish Only with Live Rock) is Perfect for people who like a beautiful saltwater fish only tank without worrying about delicate corals in a coral reef aquarium setup.

- Live rock can be placed behind artificial coral reef aquarium inserts or in sump / refugium for biological filtration. Artificial coral reef inserts also have Porous / Rough surfaces for beneficial bacteria to grow on, soon become artificial live rock and provide both biological filtration and hiding places for all saltwater fish / marine fish or tropical freshwater fish.

- Many tropical freshwater fish are as beautiful as saltwater fish / marine fish. Upgrade to a “Freshwater Fish Coral Reef Aquarium” get the look of the ocean but keep your freshwater fish. Freshwater Coral Reef Aquarium with Instant Reef is much easier to maintain and very affordable.

- Instant Reef custom coral reefs are safe for all saltwater fish / marine fish, invertebrates and tropical freshwater fish, it does not release toxins into the water or change the water chemistry.

Made of High Quality RESIN, No Plastic or Rubber Parts, Non-Toxic Material, Coral Reef Aquarium Inserts are safe to all saltwater fish / marine fish and freshwater fish.

Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium is Easy to Setup, Clean and Maintain.

Cleaning Instant Reef custom corals is easy, simply use a soft brush and water to clean. Save time and effort. Suggestion: Marine snails can keep artificial coral reef aquarium inserts free of algae. Astrea Snails, Margarita Snails are good candidates.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Super Space Saver Octopus XP-1000SSS Cone Skimmer - preorder

Pre Order This unit is expected by end of May. Place your order now and your order will be charged when ready to ship and guarantees you a spot in line. Order can be canceled anytime before ship out date.

Introducing the Coralvue Octopus XP1000 Super Saver Cone Skimmer. It gives tanks 125g or smaller new options for a quality skimmer in a tight sump space. Very nice quality and an Bubble Blaster pump make it a great performer and value.

6" diameter base come with a 3.5" neck.
BB-1000S Pump
Foot print 9.1 x 7.5 x 19.9" tall
Rated for 125Gallon Tank a